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Android + Cupcakes = Happily Ever After


So what has Google been doing all this time since releasing Android?? Why making cupcakes of course! As seen on the Android Roadmap website, Google has come out of hiding and is offering up more information regarding the upcoming update to the Android OS. Curiously dubbed “cupcake,” there are some notable entries sure to make everyone take notice. Look for copy and paste within an updated browser, saving files sent via MMS, a HUGE e-mail overhaul that will allow it to actually be functional (fingers crossed on this one), video recording capabilities, and A2DP Bluetooth support. That’s right! It’s time to dust off that old set of Bluetooth headphones!

            It is important to note that the updates are only in the development stage right now and will be unloaded on the awaiting public when the oven timer goes off.  If all goes well, expect to have this update drop sometime in January although the developers have noted a possible slowdown due to the United States holiday season. 

However, Android users are still awaiting more information as to the frosting of this cupcake, as no new information has surfaced regarding the future of Flash support or the ability to save applications to the memory card, which seem to be what most of the public’s mouth is watering for. But for the time being, it is nice to see Google putting in the muscle and bringing new features sooner rather than later. You hear that Apple, copy and paste… 

For more information regarding the exact specifications of this development project head on over to the Android Roadmap site here.

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David’s note: Please welcome GP to our writing team aka redsoxmg from our benevolent forums. He has accepted the position after agreeing to the condition that he address me as “oh magnificent one.” He is a welcome addition and we look forward to seeing him crafting more blog posts! 



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